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Zimbra provides open source server and client software for messaging and collaboration. To find out more visit https://www.zimbra.com.


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Form Contact Us - IranHungary. Designed by Paliz, All Rights Reserved to Iran Hungary.


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تارنمای دانشگاه یزد کلیه حقوق این سایت متعلق به دانشگاه یزد می باشد.


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Yazd University Admission System

You will get a confirmation email, after submitting your application. If you do not receive the confirmation email, check your application and make sure that it is submitted. You will be informed about any change in status of your application by email. You can read application step by step guidance before sending your application. Note: Yazd university offers a limited …


Online application system for Hungarian Applicants to

The documents and information will be collected via the online application system and the results will be announced via the website and the applicant's email. List of universities and fields of study is available on the website and each applicant can choose three university/field for his/her application. The application will process based on the priorities of the applicants and (s)he will …


Open Positions - Laser Spectroscopy Research Laboratory

The Laser Spectroscopy Research Laboratory (LSRL) of Yazd University (YU) invites applications for a Master’s and Doctoral positions in the area of applied spectroscopy and Molecular Physics. These positions will be awarded on a competitive basis and successful candidates will receive support fully covering living expenses based on the salary on the Yazd University regulations …


Combinatorial and Geometric Algorithms Lab - cs.yazd.ac.ir

If you are interested please drop an email at m.farshi"@" GMail.com. We also accept international students in our group and there are some scholarship in Yazd university that (partially) support the students (it covers tuition fees and accommodation).


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تارنمای دانشگاه یزد کلیه حقوق این سایت متعلق به دانشگاه یزد می باشد. کلیه حقوق این سایت متعلق به دانشگاه یزد می باشد.


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Yazd - سامانه مدیریت یادگیری دانشگاه یزد

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سامانه آموزش الکترونیکی دانشگاه یزد. برای بازنشانی رمز ورودتان، نام کاربری یا آدرس پست الکترونیک خود را وارد نمائید. در صورتی که مشخصات ورودی شما در پایگاه داده پیدا شود، یک نامهٔ الکترونیکی ...


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