
Keyword Suggestion

Tefal pan set
Tefal pans
Tefal air fryer
Tefal pressure cooker
Tefal inicio grill
Tefal saucepans
Tefal non stick frying pan
Tefal electric pot
Tefal cookware
Tefal irons
Tefal smart force explorer
Tefal steamer
Tefal rg7447 accessories
Tefal ingenio
Tefal actifry
Tefal optigrill
Tefal rice cooker
Tefal wok
Tefal logo
Tefal toaster
Tefal pure pop
Tefal one pot
Tefal smart protect steam iron
Tefal optigrill xl

Domain Informations

Domain Provider Number Of Domains
godaddy.com 286730
namecheap.com 101387
networksolutions.com 69118
tucows.com 52617
publicdomainregistry.com 39120
whois.godaddy.com 32793
enomdomains.com 23825
namesilo.com 21429
domains.google.com 21384
cloudflare.com 20573
gmo.jp 18110
name.com 17601
fastdomain.com 14708
register.com 13495
net.cn 12481
ionos.com 12416
ovh.com 12416
gandi.net 12305
registrar.amazon.com 12111

Host Informations

  • IP address:
  • Location: France
  • Latitude: 48.8582
  • Longitude: 2.3387
  • Timezone: Europe/Paris

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Websites Listing

We found Websites Listing below when search with tefal.co.rs on Search Engine

Contact Us - T-fal

You can also find all the information to contact our consumer service by whichever means suits you best: e-mail, telephone, regular mail. Website: Consumer Services. 36 Newmill Gate Unit #2 Scarborough ON M1V0E2 Canada; T-fal Canada Customer Service: 1-800-418-3325; Send your comments. Send Message . Stay up-to-date with news and offers from T‐fal. Want the latest …


Consumer services - Contact page - Tefal

CONTACT US. The Covid-19 situation has affected all of our day-to-day activities. We therefore thank you for your understanding regarding our response times to your requests and/or repairs of your products, whether covered or not by the guarantee. We and our partner repairers are doing our utmost to meet your needs as quickly as possible.


Početna Stranica | Tefal

Tefal nudi najbolju tehnologiju sa inovativnim rešenjima za pripremu hrane i pića, udobnost doma, čišćenje, peglanje i negu.


Contact us - T-fal

Then complete the form that will appear and send it to us. We will reply to your query as quickly as possible. Contact form. 4. Would you like to contact us by phone? T-fal Canada Customer Service. ☎ 1-800-418-3325. Monday - Friday: 8:30am to 5pm (EST) Delete my cart.



At Tefal, we strive to be your day-to-day facilitator. We believe that you should not have to adapt to the product, but that the product should adapt to you, whether you are an expert or a beginner, demanding or uninvolved. For over 60 years, we have taken our inspiration from your daily life to provide you with a seamless path to the results ...


T-Fal Canada

Find out on tefal.com why tefal is worldwide the leading brand for kitchen and home appliances. Best deals and exclusive offers from Canada's #1 brand for air fryers, deep fryers and kitchen cookware in non stick, hard anodized, and with the best technology.


Kontakt - Tefal

Benötigen Sie Informationen über unsere Tefal-Produkte? Senden Sie uns Ihre Frage über unser Kontakt-Formular. Passwort vergessen. Sie haben Ihr Passwort vergessen. Danke für die Angabe Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse, wir werden Ihnen Ihr Passwort per E-Mail zusenden. Bestätigen Abbrechen. Sleep user. You didn’t connect to the Tefal web site since one year. Please give us your mail …


Contact - Tefal

Do you need information about Tefal's products? Send your question to our team via the contact form.


Contact us - T-fal

1-800-395-8325. Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm EST. Our consumer service - after-sales service (SAV) is able to answer all your enquiries concerning T-fal brand products and services. Please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone during the above-mentioned call centre opening hours. Outside these hours you can use our contact form, we ...


Tefal - Customer Service - Contact US

Non UK/ROI residents - please visit www.tefal.com; See all our job offers worldwide; Get institutional and financial information on Groupe SEB • You can contact us by email by clicking below on "CREATE A CASE". Please then select the topic related to your enquiry.


Kontakt | Tefal

Izgubili ste lozinku. Hvala vam na dostavljanju e-mail adrese, poslaćemo vam lozinku putem e-maila. Potvrdi Otkaži


Subscribe to our newsletter - Tefal

Please enter a valid email address I agree to receive communications and personalised commercial offers, and consent that my personal data may be used by the Groupe SEB brands You must agree to the terms and conditions to be able to sign up for the newsletter.


Contact | Klantenservice - Tefal Nederland

Wij zullen afhankelijk van je vraag telefonisch of per e-mail contact met je opnemen: Contactformulier. 4. Je kunt ook contact met ons opnemen via: GROUPE SEB NEDERLAND BV Postbus 238 3900 AE Veenendaal De Schutterij 27 3905 PK Veenendaal Kvk Utrecht: 30040441 BTW nr: NL001110512B01 . Onze consumentenservice - after-sales service kan al je vragen …


Tefal Reklamationen | Beschwerdeformular & Kontaktdaten

E-mail: contact-de@tefal.com . Jetzt Beschwerde über Tefal schreiben! Über 100.000 Verbrauchern wurde geholfen! Jetzt bist du dran! Beschwerde schreiben! Anzeige. Diese Seite repräsentiert nicht die offizielle Webseite des Unternehmens. Wenn du es wünschst, kannst du deine Beschwerde direkt über Kanäle einreichen, die von der Einrichtung und / oder von den …


Contact form - T-fal

Nous sommes désolés ! La vente daccessoires nest pas Disponible en ligne pour la . Veuillez vous adresser à nos Revendeurs en en cliquant ICI


Tefal Company Profile | Management and Employees List

Tefal has also developed a responsible human resources policy, based on principles of non-discrimination and respect for people. In this regard, Tefal attaches great importance to providing a safe workplace for its employees. The third priority is about helping communities. In the regions in which it operates, Tefal acts as a responsible economic stakeholder, it helps local …


Contact us | Tefal UK Shop

Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm. Telephone Helplines are open Monday to Friday 10.00am to 4.00pm: UK – 0345 148 9101. ROI – 01 677 4003. Our address is: Groupe SEB UK Ltd. Customer Relations Department.


Contactformulier | Tefal

Via het contactformulier kun je een vraag stellen aan onze Consumentenservice. Wij zullen afhankelijk van je vraag telefonisch of per e-mail contact met je opnemen.


CEO email addresses - E-mails address database lists to ...

EAT CEO, Mr A Walker - Email address and Phone number: Website for EAT Twitter Page for EAT EAT Customer Service email address Jobs website for EAT : Owned by Lyceum Capital: Eataly Retail Uk Limited: Eataly Retail Uk Limited CEO, N Farinetti - Email address All directors of Eataly Retail Uk Limited : Postal Address and Map for Eataly Retail Uk Limited Eataly Retail …


Tefal cookware, electrical appliances & irons website

Meet Tefal cookware electrical appliances & irons website. We provide you with the best & latest technology & solutions for home & professional comfort


Domains Expiration Date Updated

Site Provider Expiration Date
getafecf.com dinahosting.com -2 Years, -353 Days
klips.com godaddy.com -2 Years, -320 Days
cityofoaksfoundation.org tucows.com -2 Years, -123 Days
ontariovolleyball.org whois.godaddy.com 4 Years, 274 Days
grandharborresort.com godaddy.com -2 Years, -348 Days
flvto.pro porkbun.com -3 Years, -7 Days
kanecountypets.com godaddy.com -2 Years, -74 Days
wptute.com porkbun.com -2 Years, -172 Days
rwhz.com godaddy.com -2 Years, -155 Days
asmejmd.org fastdomain.com -2 Years, -66 Days

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