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Domain Informations

  • inetnum : -
  • handle : NET-206-167-74-0-1
  • status : Reassigned
  • created : 2001-11-16
  • changed : 2011-09-24
  • organization : CCDMD
  • handle : CCDMD
  • address : Array,Montreal,QC,H1N 1C1,CA
  • handle : CKN23-ARIN
  • name : No, Contact Known
  • phone : +1-800-555-1234
  • email : [email protected]
Technical support
  • handle : SG953-ARIN
  • name : Gagnon, Sylvain
  • phone : +1-514-873-2200
  • email : [email protected]
Domain Provider Number Of Domains
godaddy.com 286730
namecheap.com 101387
networksolutions.com 69118
tucows.com 52617
publicdomainregistry.com 39120
whois.godaddy.com 32793
enomdomains.com 23825
namesilo.com 21429
domains.google.com 21384
cloudflare.com 20573
gmo.jp 18110
name.com 17601
fastdomain.com 14708
register.com 13495
net.cn 12481
ionos.com 12416
ovh.com 12416
gandi.net 12305
registrar.amazon.com 12111

Host Informations

  • IP address:
  • Location: Canada
  • Latitude: 43.6319
  • Longitude: -79.3716
  • Timezone: America/Toronto

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 › Portmapper, rpcbind: 111
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 › Https: 443
 › SMB directly over IP: 445
 › Msa-outlook: 587
 › IIS, NFS, or listener RFS remote_file_sharing: 1025
 › Lotus notes: 1352
 › Sql server: 1433
 › Point-to-point tunnelling protocol: 1723
 › My sql: 3306
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Websites Listing

We found Websites Listing below when search with pbl.ccdmd.qc.ca on Search Engine


The CCDMD will be closed from Friday, December 24, 2021, and will return on Monday, January 3, 2022. December 13, 2021. World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest — 11th edition. Our photo contest is until March 9, 2022. Submit up to 5 photographs! December 7, 2021. We got an information session! We have answers to your questions about our call for projects! All the …


Problem-Based Learning for College Physics - CCDMD

John Abbott College, Collège de Maisonneuve, Collège de Victoriaville, Cégep Garneau. The purpose of this site is to provide college teachers with high-quality, field-tested problem-based learning (PBL) activities in physics. Teachers may be interested in using the approach, but lack the time to develop thorough, context-rich problems.


Learning Centre - CCDMD

This site has a varied collection of amusing and unusual offerings prepared by ESL teachers that use diverse learning strategies. It will appeal to different learners and exercise multiple skills. It permits students to: exercise multiple skills including grammar, vocabulary, listening, spelling, and pronunciation.


Websites - CCDMD

The CCDMD will be closed from Friday, December 24, 2021, and will return on Monday, January 3, 2022. December 13, 2021. World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest — 11th edition. Our photo contest is until March 9, 2022. Submit up to 5 photographs! December 7, 2021. We got an information session! We have answers to your questions about our call for projects! All the …


Popular | CCDMD - ccdmd.qc.ca

The purpose of this site is to provide college teachers with high-quality, field-tested problem-based learning (PBL) activities in physics. Teachers may be interested in using the approach, but lack the time to develop thorough, context-rich [...] Chronos. Software. ChronosEdit is intended primarily for use by teachers who wish to develop a database (archive) of historical information …


Logging In - CCDMD

The Management module Login page appears. Type the username or registered email address in the Username or email field. Type the password in the Password field. NOTE: If you enter the username or password incorrectly, a message appears that the information is invalid. Re-enter the username and password to try again.


Login - pcdm.ca

Email Address. Password. Forgot Password? Remember Password. Not a Member? Click Here. Create An Account. Create an HPCO Online Learning account to access our training materials, news, events and more. It’s quick and easy - Get started now! Create New Account ...


CCDMD - Profweb

The Collegial Centre for Educational Materials Development (CCDMD) produces both computer-based resources and printed documents for teachers and students of the Quebec college network. The CCDMD’s mission is to ensure that CEGEP students have access to quality educational materials, in English and French, and to contribute to the production of these …


20 New Problems for the Website: Problem-Based Learning ...

2016-12-06  · Mathieu and Olivier became familiar with the CCDMD tool in 2008, when it was created. Using the Problem-Based Learning approach requires having a bank of problems that are appropriate for the competencies of a course. It is time consuming and this reality is what brought the creator of the tool, Nathaniel Lasry, to develop the resource with the ...


Proof Reading - CCDMD

Proof Reading - CCDMD


Contact us | CCLD - CCLD | CCLD

Please direct your enquiries to the Executive Director: Brigitte Pilon. CCLD Executive Director. PO Box 58051 Orléans Garden. Ottawa, Ontario. Canada. K1C 7H4. Telephone: (613) 824-9233.


Teaching Tip: CCDMD Resources | PDO | Cégep Vanier College

Most of the CCDMD resources are available online at the CCDMD webpage. They include website references, textbooks and software. The webpages are all free to access and include everything from language improvement to biology simulations; from music dictation to physics problem-based-learning activities. The textbooks are only available for purchase, but you can …


The World-wide Impact of Problem-based Learning | Real ...

Instead of lectures, we received problem based learning (PBL) scenarios. The experience was so incredible that when I started teaching college physics, I designed PBL science labs for my students. In traditional labs, you are given a procedure: a list of steps to follow, like in a cookbook. Students are told how to collect data, how to link variables and hence how to solve the problem ...


The Language and Reading Companion - CCDMD

Helping Students Achieve College-Level Competencies In addition to improving English language skills in reading, listening, and vocabulary acquisition, the selected texts target college-level competencies in different areas by exposing students to a variety of topics, themes, and genres that are directly related to the main disciplines of CEGEP study.


Considering Vygotsky's ZPD in PBL

2014-07-28  · ZPD will determine the lessons that are needed and the level and amount of interaction with other learners and the MKO’s. The current slide shows an example of an overview of a PBL instructional unit on the concepts in Kinematics in 1-D. In this PBL example, Vygotsky’s ZPD is considered in determining the learning objective of the project.


Outil d’aide à la scénarisation – OAS – La Veille de Gér@ld

2022-03-11  · Le site Outil d’aide à la scénarisation (OAS) guide les utilisateurs dans la conception et la préparation de scénarios d’enseignement-apprentissage, en privilégiant des approches relevant des pédagogies actives et en misant sur le recours aux TIC (technologies de l’information et de la communication). Cet outil a été élaboré dans une approche de design centré sur les …


Develop a Project with the CCDMD? Nursing ... - eductive.ca

2016-02-08  · Since 1993, the Collegial Centre for Educational Materials Development (CCDMD) has accompanied college network teachers wishing to develop educational material projects (print-based or computer-based productions that are useful for teaching and learning). Each year, the CCDMD invites teachers to submit their projects. To give you an idea of what developing a …


L’approche par problème, une porte ouverte à l ...

L’approche par problème, ou la problem-based learning en anglais, est une approche pédagogique qui a été employée pour la première fois au Canada en 1969 à l’Université McMaster en Ontario. Il s’agissait alors d’une première puisque l’ensemble du programme de médecine reposait sur cette approche (Tremblay 2009 cité dans Bah 2012). « L’ennui des …


Scénario pédagogique #2 – La Veille de Gér@ld

2021-02-17  · Un scénario pédagogique est une activité d’apprentissage « clé en main », un projet spécifique de formation. Il s’agit souvent d’un projet innovant qui met en évidence des approches transdisciplinaires et qui recourt à l’usage des médias, de l’image, et d’une manière générale aux technologies de l’information et de la communication dans l’enseignement.


Contact us - Parti libéral du Québec (PLQ)

Quebec City office. 1150 Wilfrid-Hamel Boulevard Quebec City, Quebec G1M 2S4. Toll free: 1 800 463-4575 Telephone: 418 688-8910 Fax: 581 300-3289. Montreal office . 254 Queen Street Montreal, Quebec H3C 2N8. Toll free: 1 800 361-1047 Telephone: 514 288-4364 Fax: 514 288-9455. VOLUNTEERING. If you wish to get involved with the QLP, please do not hesitate to …


Domains Expiration Date Updated

Site Provider Expiration Date
bayareacircuits.com godaddy.com -2 Years, -303 Days
surest.com cscdbs.com -2 Years, -154 Days
mighty990.com godaddy.com 40 Days
infores.net tierra.net 2 Years, 9 Days
isohunt1.com namecheap.com -2 Years, -25 Days
openmylink.io cloudflare.com -2 Years, -218 Days
synchroshakti.com namecheap.com -2 Years, -266 Days
hotelpersey.com porkbun.com -2 Years, -248 Days
fra.wiki evonames.com -2 Years, -119 Days
bene-gusto.com ukraine.com.ua -1 Years, -309 Days

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