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Domain Informations

  • inetnum : -
  • name : AMAZO-CF
  • handle : NET-52-84-0-0-2
  • status : Reallocated
  • created : 1995-01-23
  • changed : 2022-09-30
  • desc : -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----
  • organization : Amazon.com, Inc.
  • handle : AMAZON-4
  • address : Array,SEATTLE,WA,98101-1244,US
Technical support
  • handle : ANO24-ARIN
  • name : Amazon EC2 Network Operations
  • phone : +1-206-555-0000
  • email : [email protected]
  • handle : AEA8-ARIN
  • name : Amazon EC2 Abuse
  • phone : +1-206-555-0000
  • email : [email protected]
Domain Provider Number Of Domains
godaddy.com 286730
namecheap.com 101387
networksolutions.com 69118
tucows.com 52617
publicdomainregistry.com 39120
whois.godaddy.com 32793
enomdomains.com 23825
namesilo.com 21429
domains.google.com 21384
cloudflare.com 20573
gmo.jp 18110
name.com 17601
fastdomain.com 14708
register.com 13495
net.cn 12481
ionos.com 12416
ovh.com 12416
gandi.net 12305
registrar.amazon.com 12111

Host Informations

  • IP address:
  • Location: Seattle United States
  • Latitude: 47.6348
  • Longitude: -122.3451
  • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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 › Pop3: 110
 › Portmapper, rpcbind: 111
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Email address with icoads.noaa.gov

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Websites Listing

We found Websites Listing below when search with icoads.noaa.gov on Search Engine

ICOADS Chronology and News

2022-03-01  · See NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information's webstory regarding the release. Release 2.5 (1662-2007): July 2009: ICOADS.DM observational data extensively updated and extended to cover 1662-2007, with revised monthly summaries for 1800-2007.


ICOADS Related Data and Resources

2016-05-11  · U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration hosts the icoads website privacy disclaimer Document maintained by icoads@noaa.gov Updated: May 11, …


ICOADS Value-Added Database

ICOADS Value-Added Database (IVAD) Comparison of two sea surface temperature (SST) bias adjustments (degrees C) Comparison of linear trend (ms -1 decade -1) in measured (top) and estimated (bottom) ship wind speeds (1982-2002) After Fig. 4 from Kent, E.C., J.J. Kennedy, D.I. Berry, and R.O. Smith, 2010: Effects of instrumentation changes on sea ...



ICOADS Web information page (Monday, 20-Apr-2015 18:38:22 UTC): Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Marine Meteorological Archive: Compo Subset (deck 720; 1884-1914) (by ESRL) Note: This DRAFT webpage contains fragmentary information, which the 2012 termination of ICOADS development provided insufficient time to finalize, but this directory contains available …


NOAA Login

Login with your. PIV or CAC. Remember to plug in. your PIV/CAC card. Login with PIV/CAC. WARNING: This system contains U.S. Government Data. Unauthorized use of this system is prohibited. This computer system, including all related equipment, networks, and network devices (specifically including Internet access) are provided only for authorized ...


Contact NOAA headquarters | National Oceanic and ...

2021-11-15  · NOAA headquarters mailing address NOAA/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Room 5128 Washington, DC 20230 Frequently requested resources Forecasts and information from NOAA's National Weather Service Find and contact your local National Weather Service forecast office.&n


ICOADS R2.5 2 Degree - Home: NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory

The International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) is the most extensive collection of surface marine data spanning the past three centuries, together with simple gridded monthly summary products extending from 1800 forward. Temporal Coverage: Monthly values for 1800/01 - 2007/12. Preliminary monthly values for 2008/01 - present.


ICOADS {rwimma1} - icoads.noaa.gov

For example icoads-immt5Ximma1.f90 translates IMMT5 to IMMA1; other pre-{rwimma1}, e.g. {rdimma0}-based, examples can be found in the translation directories. Below is an annotated excerpt of the main program of {rwimma1}, i.e. specifically omitting the detailed comments at the top of the program, and omitting the code below the main program marked as "code beyond …


OPeNDAP Dataset Query Form - National Oceanic and ...

2021-02-11  · ncei_template_version: NCEI_NetCDF_Point_Template_v2.0 featureType: point title: International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) v3.0.1 data collected from 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z to 2021-01-31T23:58:47Z. summary: This file contains ICOADS v3.0.1 data in netCDF4 format collected from 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z to 2021-01-31T23:58:47Z.


ICOADS, 2-degree, Enhanced, Monthly, 1800-present

Coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov:esrlIcoads2ge Project: ICOADS Name: NOAA ESRL Physical Sciences Division Email: [email protected] Institution: ICOADS InfoURL: https ...


International Comprehensive Ocean ... - ncei.noaa.gov

International Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) in Near-Real Time (NRT) (format: HTML)


ICOADS 1-degree Equatorial Enhanced Sea ... - data.noaa.gov

ICOADS 1-degree Equatorial Enhanced Sea-air Temperature Difference Monthly Standard Deviation at Surface Data and Resources. LAS application/x-netcdf. This URL provides a standard LAS html interface for selecting data from this...


ICOADS CSV Sample - National Oceanic and Atmospheric ...

This sample data file shows how the data are formatted in CSV and is for example purposes only.





ICOADS 2-degree Enhanced Sea-air ... - data.noaa.gov

ICOADS 2-degree Enhanced Sea-air Temperature Difference Monthly Standard Deviation at Surface Data and Resources. LAS application/x-netcdf. This URL provides a standard LAS html interface for selecting data from this...


ERDDAP - Information about ICOADS, 2-degree, Enhanced ...

Summary product (1800 to present) from the International Comprehensive. Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS), the most extensive collection of surface. marine data. Temporal Coverage: * Monthly values for 1800/01 - 2007/12. * Preliminary monthly values for 2008/01 - present. IMPORTANT: The time period of these products is defined in two segments. 1.


Mailing Address - downloads.psl.noaa.gov

2022-03-22  · Mailing Address. NOAA PSL 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305-3328 Connect with ESRL


GitHub - wkww/NOAA_AIS: Python toolkit. AIS, ICOADS and ...

2019-04-01  · NOAA_AIS Basic Python 3 toolkit for working with NOAA AIS, ICOADS, OISST and NETCDF4 Data in general. Since we have entered an era where the federal budget means that this data may go offline for extended periods, bulk download scripts have been included.



CDF T latZ lon´ time title ICOADS 2-degree Enhanced history 4Release 3.0.0 (1800-2014); Release 3.0.1 (2015-2021) ... (ICOADS) website icoads.noaa.gov doi Pdoi: source 5National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) version 4Release 3.0.0 …


Search Results: NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory

Sst.mean_lat.nc. Make plot or subset. Monthly Mean Longitude (Off SW Corner of Box) of Observations. 1960/1. 2021/12. Surface. sst.mean_lon.nc. Make plot or subset. Monthly Number of Observations.


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abaegitim.com godaddy.com 1 Year, 261 Days
wildleaf.org jprs.jp -2 Years, -165 Days
paretopharma.com tucows.com -2 Years, -78 Days
extolinc.com godaddy.com -2 Years, -288 Days
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